Dragonbane's UFO Information Archive

What is a UFO?

Technically, UFO is an acronym for Unidentified Flying Object, a designation first used by the U.S. military for anomolous object that were observed in the air, and which could not be readily identified. At first, this did NOT mean "an alien/extraterrestrial spaceship." It still does not. Over the past 50 years or so, the connotation of the word has come to mean "an alien/extraterrestrial spaceship," because the public's thoughts are dominated by the media, especially in the United States. In reality, a UFO is just that: an abject or light in the sky that you can't readily identify.

This Web archive was begun for the same reason that all of the other UFO pages were started: someone had an interest, built up a big page, and then left it alone, because they lost interest, or because they couldn't find enough data. I began this page with a few links, a few files, and not much else. Since February of 1996, I've been adding new links, finding more files, images, and movies, and adding as much as I could. Currently, I have one of the largest lists of "good" links relating to UFOs. I have done my best to weed out those pages that have little information, that repeat what everyone else has, and that are "spiritual" or "New Age" in nature.

So far, my page has two main sections: the Links Archive and the Files Archive . If you have questions, read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) or the UFO Guide , which has been recently enchanced (10/23/96). If you still have questions, Email me. There are other minor sections that deal with specific aspects of the UFO phenomenon, such as abduction, conspiracy theories, crop circles, the Roswell Incident, and more. Feel free to look around, and copy files and images you like. Just tell everyone where you get them.

Sometimes, things do not occur in quite the way we wish for them to. This is such as case. The Archive should remain up for a while, but I was hoping that someone could mirror this site elsewhere. It has taken me about 6 months of search time to gather all of this information, and I do not want it to go to waste. It is currently at about 60 megs of text, images, film, and audio, orginized, and relatively simple to download. If you are interested, please Email me.

I shall now get off of my soapbox and let you look around. Thank you.


General Sections in Dragonbane's UFO Archives
* List of UFO-Related Internet Links
* UFO Files,Images, Movies, and Multimedia
* Alt.Alien.Visitors Frequently Asked Questions
* Guide to People, Places, and Things in UFOlogy
* Various UFO Research and Support Groups (Worldwide)

Items of Interest and New Files
* Alien Life Forms * An Alien Harvest: Reasons for Abductions
* Area 51 Security Manual * Budd Hopkin's NOVA Letter
* Cattle and Horse Mutilations * Crop Circles
* Famous People NEW! * Lunar Anomolies
* Life on Mars! * Majestic Twelve
* Mars Anomalies * Men in Black
* Mind Control * S30 UFO
* The Survivalist's Bible * UFO Book List
* UFO Bibliography * USAF on the "Roswell Incident"
* Wright-Patteron AFB's Grey * Wright-Patteron AFB's Vaults

* AUFORA's News Service

Last Updated: 03/08/1997 Email:Dragonbane@mail.utexas.edu

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